Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I’m in an abusive relationship? has a comprehensive breakdown on navigating domestic violence, but here are a few of their key reminders. A relationship in your life might be unhealthy if…

-You feel scared of your partner most of the time.

-You avoid talking about certain topics so as not to anger your partner.

-You believe that you deserve to be treated badly.

-Your partner’s behavior makes you feel crazy or out of control.

-You feel helpless or emotionally numb.

-Your partner humiliates you or puts you down.

-You don’t want your friends or family to see the way your partner treats you.

Who are the people in the pictures at the top of your WordPress?

All of the students in our photo banner are CCNY students who volunteered to get involved in Project Speak Up Speak Out’s photo campaign in 2013.

Are these students survivors of domestic violence?

Not necessarily. They are your classmates, peers, and friends. Participants in the photo campaign are students who want to bring about change  in their community, regardless of their own experiences with violence.

Why are domestic violence survivors called survivors and not victims?

We believe that people who have experienced violence should not be considered victims of their situation. This is a disempowering way to address people who have survived violence. Because the way we use language shapes the way we think about the world, we believe that using empowering language is the first step towards ending the stigma of domestic violence.

What is domestic violence?

Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior by one partner in an intimate relationship that keeps the other partner feeling afraid, intimidated, or out of control. Domestic violence is not just physical violence–it may appear as sexual, verbal, emotional, spiritual, or financial abuse.

Gender violence, interpersonal violence, child abuse, teen relationship violence and elder abuse are all examples of domestic violence. Domestic violence occurs in all communities, regardless of race/ethnicity, income, age, educational level, religion, immigration status, or sexual orientation. It is rooted in a culture of permissive violence, meaning that we often turn a blind eye to violent situations because they make us uncomfortable.

Why should I care about domestic violence?

Domestic violence awareness is the first step to ending cycles of violence in our society. Domestic violence is a public health issue, and as more people are educated about the various ways in which it presents itself, the easier it becomes to end it. It is our social obligation to create the peaceful society in which we wish to live.

In New York City, the consequences of domestic violence can be seen in the homeless population. 25 percent of female heads of households are homeless because of past violent relationships. The consequences can be seen in overwhelmed emergency rooms and high rates of depression and post-traumatic stress disorders in our communities. The consequences can be seen in continuing cycles of violence, where young people learn the behavior from their abusive parents and continue it into their adulthood.

Is there anything I can do to break these cycles of violence?

Yes. The number one fact to know about domestic violence is that the majority of incidents go unreported. At Project Speak Up Speak Out, we work to educate students about domestic violence and to eradicate myths about what violence means. You can help prevent the occurrence of domestic violence by breaking the silence about violence in your community. You can speak up and speak out for yourself, your family, and your friends who are in abusive relationships.

Are there resources I can access if I am survivor of domestic violence? What if I know someone who is or has been in a violent relationship?

At Project Speak Up Speak Out, we can connect you to many agencies in New York City that will provide resources for you if you are in a violent situation. If you have a friend or family member that you believe is in an abusive relationship, we can connect you to many service providers in New York City.

For more information, please visit: 


New York Asian Women’s Center 

Or if you need immediate help, please visit:

Safe Horizon

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